Chapter LII The pilgrim beholds the glory of God

For behold! the Lord of hosts sat upon His throne on high and about Him streamed a lightning radiance from one end of heaven to the other. His feet rested as if on crystal, emerald, and sapphire, while His throne was of jasper; over it was a beautiful rainbow. A thousand of thousands and ten thousand times hundred thousand angels stood before Him, chanting one to another: “Holy, holy, holy, the Lord of host! Heaven and earth are full of His glory!”

2 Likewise the four-and-twenty elders, falling before the throne and casting their crowns at the feet of Him who lives for ever and ever, sand with a loud voice: “Worthy art Thou, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for Thou hast created all things, and they exist and were created by Thy will.”

3 I also saw before the throne another great multitude whom no one could count, from every nation and tribe and people and ongue, which was constantly increasing by reason of the angels' carrying up the souls of God’s saints, who had died in the world, so that the sound grew louder, and they cried: “Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our God for ever. Amen!”

4 In short, I saw lightning, brilliance, effulgence, and ineffable glory, and heard sounds and noise overpowering, all more joyful and wonderful than our eyes, ears, or hearts can comprehend.

5 Terrified by the vision of these glorious heavenly things, I fell before the majestic throne, ashamed of my sinfulness, of being a man of unclean lips, and cried: “The Lord, the Lord, the Lord God mighty, merciful, and gracious, slow to anger and plenteous in mercy and in truth; His mercy is upon thousands, and He forgives our iniquities, trangressions, and sins!” Lord, have mercy upon me, a sinner, for the sake of Jesus Christ!